The curriculum for the Diploma program in Law 18W is a discontinued curriculum version. If you were enrolled in this version before 01.10.2022, you can stay in the old program, but you do not have to. You have until 30.09.2027 to complete your studies in the 18W version. If you interrupt your studies, you will transfer to the current version of the curriculum when you resume your studies.
A voluntary transfer to curriculum version 22W is possible at any time during the enrolment period at the Admissions Office. It is advantageous to transfer after completing the new STEOP or, if applicable, the old 1st section, provided you have almost completed it. When designing the so-called "equivalence list", we have attached great importance to making the transfer as unbureaucratic as possible.

What has changed?
- Only two study sections
- No overall examination of the "Selected Chapters", but individual introductory examinations
- Extension of the STEOP by 2 examinations
- No more subject examinations, but individual course examinations
- Completion of a diploma examination (at the end of the degree program)
- The start count for courses whose course type, examination type, ECTS number or number of credit hours has changed starts once at zero (e.g. subject examination to VO examination). This rule also applies to all those who remain in the 18W curriculum. Entries for the same examinations will continue to be counted regardless of the curriculum version!
Example: From January 2023, you take the new VO examinations in the modules in 18W, but only switch to the new curriculum in May. Negative entries for this course examination will then continue to be counted even if you transfer!
How does the transfer work?
- Fill out the transfer form. If you have any questions, the FV JUS will be happy to provide you with initial advice.
- If you have decided to transfer voluntarily, you must apply for this at the Admissions Office during the general admission period. To do so, please send an e-mail with this suggested text to studienabteilung(at) !!!ATTENTION: All achievements up to the transfer must be validly set in UNIGRAZonline!!!
- After transferring and paying the required semester fee, send the transfer form and any open questions to rewi.studienplanwechsel(at)
- If you have already entered an approved thesis topic in UNIGRAZonline before your transfer, please provide us with this information when submitting the transfer form.
- You will then receive a notification of completion to your student e-mail address.
What else will happen to me? Which courses and exams do I still have to take?
From January 2023, only the new course offerings of curriculum version 22W will be offered. This means that if you are still in version 18W, you will have to complete the new courses according to the equivalence list . The counting of your examination appearances starts again from the beginning for the equivalent achievements*.
After completing all (!) equivalent achievements for curriculum version 18W, you must have these transferred to the examinations according to curriculum 18W. To do this, you submit an application for recognition of equivalent achievements. Please only submit this application if the equivalent achievement consists of several partial examinations/courses. Otherwise, the completed equivalence is automatically in your SPO tree anyway.
*The exception to this is the KS "Falllösung Strafrecht und Strafprozessrecht" of version 22W. This is still identical to the previously offered KS "Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law" of version 18W.
How long will subject examinations be offered after 18W?
No more specialist examinations have been offered since December 2022.
What happens to my benefits that are not listed in the equivalence list 22W?
If there is no equivalent in the equivalence list for a course that has already been completed, an individual review of creditability can be applied for via the recognition route.
Does the semester count for the entitlement period of the sections start at zero?
The BMBWF has announced that the semesters will continue to be counted after the transfer, as it is still the same field of study.
Do I have to take the diploma exam after transferring?
The transitional provisions in Curriculum 22W under § 8 no. 3 stipulate that students who have already successfully completed at least five subject examinations of Curriculum 18W before transferring can take the diploma examination in the form of a defensio. All students to whom this does not apply must take the diploma examination.
Are courses still offered for the 3rd stage of studies?
Yes, there will be a corresponding course offer in the 3rd study phase for those who remain in the expiring curriculum. This can be accessed as usual in UNIGRAZonline.
To what extent are completed courses recognized by other universities?
An application for recognition must be submitted for the recognition of credits completed at other universities.
Do I have to complete the compulsory courses after 18W if they are no longer compulsory in 22W?
This depends on the progress of your studies. If you have completed the first stage of your studies before transferring to the new curriculum version 22W, more credits could be credited according to the equivalence list for version 22W than if the first stage was not completed. The decision to attend such courses is therefore up to the students themselves.
Are the exam entries automatically reset to zero after the transfer?
Yes, this happens automatically.
Department for Studies and Teaching
Student Service Centre+43 316 380 - 3072
Universitätsstraße 15, Bauteil AE, 8010 Graz