
What rules do innovations need?

Sebastian Scholz, Department of Public Law and Political Science

Werkstattbericht: Kriminelle Gefährdungen erkennen. Chancen nutzen!

Mainz & Graz join forces.

Property, the Environment, and Ecofeminism

Clara Esteve Jordà holds a PhD in law and works at the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA) of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). Her research interests include the commons, property law, environmental constitutional law, ecofeminism and social movements. During her stay at REWI Uni Graz, she will work on the publication of her PhD thesis entitled “Rethinking property towards equity and resilience. An ecofeminist proposal for the commons”.

Lehre: Sehr gut!

Ulfried Terlitza und Wolfgang Braza sind die Lehrpreisträger der REWI Uni Graz für das Studienjahr 2023/24.

What keeps the world bright for everyone?

Larissa Jane Houston, Research Centre for Climate Law ClimLaw: Graz

Titel bei Mergers-and-Aquisitions-Simulation!

Am 20.06.2024 fand das Bundesfinale der Mergers and Aquisitions Contract Competition (MACC) im Konferenzsaal des Hotel Regina in Wien statt - mit großartigem Ausgang für das Grazer Team.

Wenn Kinder delinquent werden

Am 27. Juni widmeten sich Vertreter:innen verschiedenster Professionen bei REWI im Gespräch der Frage „Ist der Staat hilflos bei Kinderdelinquenz?“.

Mooting in The Hague

From the law of the sea to the use of force: REWI Uni Graz students share their experience in the Telders Moot Court Competition that offers a deep dive into the fundamentals of international law.