The Brownbag lecture by Dr. Marina Kostić Šulejić will present her current project titled „Thirty Years of Austrian Membership in the EU: Experiences for Serbia“, which is approved by the Austrian Academy of Science (JESH Scholarship Grant) and is taking place at the University of Graz in a four-month period.
The main research question that the project addresses is: To what extent Austrian experiences in the EU can be implemented in Serbia, having in mind the two countries’ similarities? This question is approached through three domains:
What debate regarding EU membership looked like in Austria prior to membership, and what was the argumentation used for promoting membership?
What is the position of Austria regarding and inside the EU CFSP? Is there anything specific regarding the Austrian position having in mind its military neutrality?
Can the strong Austrian position regarding nuclear energy and a nuclear weapons ban be implemented in Serbia?
The project will also examine Austrian perspectives and teaching about Southeast Europe, the cases of Austrian and Serbian military neutrality and military cooperation, and Austrian initiatives in promoting the EU membership of Serbia.
The project output will be a research paper titled: “Following the Austrian steps? The case of Serbia in the EU”.
Dr. Marina Kostić Šulejić is a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of International Politics and Economics (a scientific institute under the Ministry of Science of the Republic of Serbia) and Head of the Centre for Non-Proliferation, Arms Control and Disarmament of the Professional Association of Security Sector, a Belgrade based think-tank organization. She has published a dozen of research papers dealing with international institutions and world order, strategic and nuclear arms control and non-proliferation, bilateral and regional relations in the Western Balkans, security issues in Serbia and its policy of military neutrality, as well as the EU enlargement policy. In 2024, she published a monograph “Military neutrality and nuclear weapons: between a possession and a ban”, and, in 2022, a monograph “Strategic Stability in a Multipolar World”. Marina received scholarships from Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (in 2023) and Joint Excellence in Science and Humanities of the Austrian Academy of Science (in 2024). On several occasions she was a mentor in the framework of the EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Internship Program. Her ORCID is: