Unsere Fellows - aktuell bzw. rezent
REWI Fellows 2023/24
Verena Allstadt | Land Steiermark Junior Fellow | Analyse der europarechtlichen Vorgaben für nationale Regulierungsbehörden im Sektor Energie |
Antal Berkes | Land Steiermark Senior Fellow | Addressing third state complicity in modern slavery: protection against major wrongs in global supply chains |
Ebru Demir | Land Steiermark Junior Fellow | European Human Rights Court and International Environmental Law |
Başak Erdoğan | Land Steiermark Senior Fellow | Regulating the AI Liability in the EU: A comparative analysis of the Product Liability Directive, the AI Liability Directive and their effects on Austrian and Turkish laws |
Pranav Ganesan | Land Steiermark Junior Fellow | Prevention and Precautionary Principles in Environmental Cases before International Human Rights Adjudicators |
Clara Maddalena Ginestri | Wirtschaftskammer Steiermark Junior Fellow | Consequences of the unfairness of contract terms in foreign currency loans |
Albana Hana | Land Steiermark Senior Fellow | Austrian Data Protection Law |
Dafni Lima | Land Steiermark Senior Fellow | Cross-border recognition of parenthood in cases of surrogacy: a comparative study in European human rights |
Maria Joao Pereira de Melo | Land Steiermark Junior Fellow | The International Legal Community and the Possibility of Recognizing a Right to Democracy |
Amitpal Singh | Land Steiermark Junior Fellow | Kelsen's Pure Theory of Law and its Use in revolutionary courts around the world |
Vladislava Stoyanova | Land Steiermark Senior Fellow in Law & Innovation | Execution of judgment delivered by the European Court of Human Rights where Breach of Positive Obligations is Found |
Dennis Patterson | Land Steiermark Fellow | Elites, Experts and Populism |
Clara Martins-Pereira | Ernst Mosing Senior Fellow | The European Union's Road to open Finance: A comparative study of European policies and frameworks |
REWI Fellows 2022/23
Igor Adamczyk | Land Steiermark Fellow | Favor Debitoris. Schuldnerschutz in der europäischen Rechtstradition |
Martha M Bradley | Land Steiermark Fellow | Non-International Armed Conflict: Classification and Controversies |
Matteo Caldironi | Land Steiermark Fellow | The loyal cooperation between the Constitutional Court and the Legislature |
Greta Cesnaityte | Land Steiermark Fellow in Law & Innovation | Reduction of GHG emissions from the waste management sector |
Filippo Morello | Land Steiermark Fellow | The EU Crowdfunding Regulation and European consumer law |
Burkhard Schafer | Austrian Standards Fellow | Designing for compliance: towards the next generation of code as law |
Rita Simon | Land Steiermark Fellow | Enhancing environmental sustainability through contract law – Austrian case study |
Dennis Patterson | Land Steiermark Fellow | Elites, Experts and Populism |
Christian Wolf | Wirtschaftskammer Steiermark Fellowship | Grundlegen der Legal Tech-Anwendung und deren Auswirkungen auf das Zivilprozessrecht: Rechtsvergleichend in Österreich und Deutschland |
REWI Fellows 2021/22
Stéphane Beaulac | Land Steiermark Fellow | The Theory of Interpretation |
Francisco J. Durán Ruiz | Austrian Standards Fellow | Comparative legal study of artificial intelligence applied to smart cities in Austria and Spain |
Elaine Fahey | Land Steiermark Law & Innovation | Whither Europe’s first-mover advantage: on use, abuse and disuse of EU law by digital platforms |
Piero Mattei-Gentili | Land Steiermark Fellow | Tackling implicit law |
Mojtaba Ghasemi | Land Steiermark Fellow | A Comparative and Economic Analysis of Forgiveness in Iranian Homicide Law |
Lena Hornkohl | Land Steiermark Fellow | Safeguard Liability As A General Concept In Non-contractual Liability Law |
Tatjana Josipović | Dean's Fellow | Land Register Digitalisation - digital transformation of real estate trasactions |
Viktorija Morozavaite | Wirtschaftskammer Steiermark Fellow | Hypernudging strategies in the digital market economy: a role for European competition law? |
Serge Nengali Kumankamba | Land Steiermark Fellow | The Responsibility for International Human Rights Violations Associated with Environmental Consequences of AI-based Cyber Attacks: A Comparative Analysis |
Dominik Ornig | Ernst Mosing Fellow | Financial Digitalisation and International Investment Disputes |
Andrés Santacoloma | Land Steiermark Fellow | The Boundaries of Words, Dense Concepts, and the Unsaturation of Human Rights |
REWI Fellows 2020/21
Mikhail Antonov | Land Steiermark Fellow | Russian Exceptionalism in Human Rights: Backgrounds in the History of Legal, Political and Religious Thinking |
Antal Berkes | Land Steiermark Fellow | Jus ad bellum, international human rights law and degrees of complicity |
Alon Harel | Dean's Fellow | Reclaiming the Public |
Eleni Tzoulia | Austrian Standards Fellow | Artificial Intelligence’s implications for patent law |
Tess Upperton | Land Steiermark Fellow | Lockdown by Press Conference & the Rule of Law: Comparing Austria and New Zealand |
Cara Warmuth | Land Steiermark Fellow | Künstliche Intelligenz in der richterlichen Entscheidungsfindung |