REWI Uni Graz - the only choice for your Erasmus stay!
Why? Because we are the best faculty! Or at least that's what we confidently claim.
It's good to study here: Graz is a cozy little city, but still the second largest city in Austria, and surrounded by greenery. A fifth of Graz's inhabitants are students or university members, and the city is strongly characterized by its younger inhabitants.
It's a great place to live: The beautiful hills around Graz provide fertile soil for good wines, and some say that Graz is Austria's Tuscany. However, the city's excellent geographical position also has another advantage, as Styria has many thermal spas that can be reached in less than an hour's drive. Proven antidotes to exam stress are therefore spa visits, wine, or a combination of the two.

If you are on our German-language website and are reading this, we assume that you can speak German. But if you're still unsure about your choice of country for your Erasmus stay, we have to warn you: learning German is not always easy and we lawyers are one of the reasons why. Have you heard about the scary length of German words? Unfortunately, we have to confirm it here. The famous "Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän" has many siblings, especially in the legal language. What, please, is supposed to be a competence? But there's no need to panic: We are lawyers and everything has a certain logic to it. So these long, complicated words are nothing more than the sum of their parts, so their meaning is actually quite easy to work out with a little deductive work.
But back to more important things: Our faculty is known for its international and interdisciplinary orientation. We offer many courses in English that go far beyond the international and therefore English-oriented subjects of Public International Law and European Law. Just a few examples: Legal Skills: Charing and Negotiating, Anglo-American Legal System and Anglo-American Legal English, English Law and Legal English, Criminology and Criminal Law... In summary, you need to have a good basic level of German to study with us, but once you're here, you can get by just fine with courses taught in English. We wouldn't do it any other way.
Inflationary! At the end of this section, we have to talk about money, because living costs are expensive, even in Graz. Yes, everywhere anyway. It's not really that wild here, especially not with the rents. We're not in Munich or even London. Student housing, like student life in general, is cheaper here than anywhere else.