Module A.1 - Major Law: Fundamentals
- Law, economy and society
- Philosophy of law
- Legal theory and methodology
- Law of obligations/property law/private international law
- Inheritance law
- Family law
- Constitutional law
Module A.2 - Major Law: Specialization
Courses amounting to at least 20 ECTS must be selected from
- one of the specializationfocuses of the Diploma Program in Law
- at least one course worth at least 3 ECTS credits from the Master's degree program in Computational Social Systems from one of the following modules:
- 1.5 Introduction to Law and Computer Science for Students with Computer Science Background
- Introduction to Law
- Computer Ethics
- Technical Standards and Law
- Legal Databases
- 2.D.1 Fundamental Rights and the Data Economy
- 2.D.3 Law by Design: Legal Lab
- 1.5 Introduction to Law and Computer Science for Students with Computer Science Background
Module B.1 - Basics
- Introduction to business administration
- Introduction to Sociology
- Introduction to economics
- Statistics
Module B.2.1 - Accounting
- Business Mathematics
- Fundamentals of Accounting
- Accounting
- two courses amounting to 8 ECTS from the specialization "Accounting" from the Bachelor's degree in Business Administration:
- Fundamentals of Controlling
- Budgeting
- Strategic controlling
- The practice of controlling
- External corporate accounting
- Income tax
- Tax planning and tax impact theory
- Fundamentals of international taxation
- two proseminars worth 8 ECTS from the following modules from the "Accounting" specialization of the Master's degree course in Business Administration:
- Business taxation
- Controlling
- Corporate accounting and auditing
- Financial Reporting
Module B.2.2 - Finance
- Business Mathematics
- Fundamentals of Finance
- Finance
- two courses amounting to 8 ECTS from the specialization "Finance" from the Bachelor's degree in Business Administration:
- Financial Markets
- Corporate Financial Management
- Banking Management
- Financial Innovation
- Investment Planning
- International Financial Markets
- two proseminars amounting to 8 ECTS from the following modules from the specialization "Finance" from the Master's program in Business Administration:
- Corporate Finance
- Financial Intermediation
- Investments
Module B.2.3 - Marketing
- Marketing basics
- Marketing
- two courses worth 8 ECTS from the specialization "Marketing" from the Bachelor's degree in Business Administration:
- Customer Insights for Marketing Strategy
- Data Strategies for Marketing and Innovation
- Brands and Communication in a Digital World
- Global, Technology and Service Marketing
- two proseminars amounting to 12 ECTS from the following modules from the specialization "Marketing" of the Master's degree program in Business Administration:
- Marketing in Consumer Markets
- Marketing in Business Markets
- Marketing in the Services Industry
Module B.2.4 - Production and Logistics
- Business Mathematics
- Fundamentals of Production and Logistics
- Production and Logistics
- Courses or proseminars amounting to 16 ECTS
- from the specialization "Management Science" from the Bachelor's degree in Business Administration:
- Operations research methods
- Quantitative planning systems
- Quality management
- Models of Operations Research
- Business informatics
- and/or from the specialization "Closed-loop Supply Chain/Sustainable Operations" from the Master's degree in Business Administration.
- from the specialization "Management Science" from the Bachelor's degree in Business Administration:
Module B.2.5 - Management
- Management basics
- Management
- two courses amounting to 8 ECTS from the specialization "Management" from the Bachelor's degree in Business Administration ("Information Science and Business Informatics" is excluded from the selection)
- Organizational Design
- Interorganizational business models
- Theoretical foundations of personnel management
- Functions and instruments of personnel management
- Personnel research
- Practice of personnel management
- Corporate management and strategic
management - Entrepreneurship and leadership
- Three proseminars worth 12 ECTS from the specialization "Management" from the Master's degree program in Business Administration:
▪ Personnel policy and leadership
▪ Business ethics and corporate responsibility management
Module C.1 - Microeconomics
Module C 1.1 - Basics
- Introduction to economics
- Statistics
- Microeconomics
- Consumption, production and general equilibrium
- Game theory
- Econometrics
Module C.1.2 - Specialization
- Game Theory
- Mechanism Design
- Econometrics II
Module C.2 - Macroeconomics
Module C 2.1 - Basics
- Introduction to economics
- Statistics
- Macroeconomics
- Finance
- Macroeconomics: theory and applications
- Fundamentals of economic policy
- Econometrics
Module C.2.2 - Consolidation
- Growth, innovation and distribution
- Applied economic policy
- Monetary policy and European monetary union
Module D.1 - Basics
- Introduction to Sociology
- Introduction to Business Administration
- Introduction to economics
- Statistics
- Main currents of sociological thought
- Fundamentals of empirical economic and social research
- Globalization, social change and civilizations
- Sociology of law
- Special sociology
Module D.2.1 - Social analysis
- Social problems and contemporary diagnostics
- Austrian Society in International Comparison
- Macrosociology (society, culture, social change)
- Special sociology
Module D.2.2 - Aspects of Sociology
- Microsociology (person, situation, interaction, group)
- Mesosociology (organizations and institutions)
- Social psychology for sociologists
- Economy and society