At the University of Graz, doctoral students are supported by a variety of activities that serve to expand and promote their education. This also includes the establishment of doctoral programs, which, together with other measures, are intended to improve the quality of dissertation projects and lead to adequate supervision of doctoral candidates.
At the REWI University of Graz we have the following structured doctoral programs:

Doctoral Program in Public Law and Political Science
The doctoral program aims to support students in the preparation of high-quality dissertations in the fields of public law, political science, comparative law and European law as well as their publication. The doctoral program focuses on the promotion of mutual interdisciplinary exchange between the participating doctoral students at the highest level. It also provides support for study and research stays at foreign universities and research institutions.
Spokesperson: Maria Bertel
Doctoral Program in European Private Law
The doctoral program in European Private Law serves as a supplement to the work on one's own monograph in the doctoral program. It offers students a forum in which their own results and interim results can be presented and discussed. Doctoral students with topics from all areas of private law can participate. Presentations on their own topic also offer the opportunity to gain presentation experience and receive suggestions for further work steps. At the same time, students strengthen their networking with each other, resulting in a more regular, sometimes informal exchange. The program is supplemented by top-class events that are intended to open up a broader perspective on doctoral studies.
Speaker: Walter Doralt

Doctoral program Interfaces in Business Law
Corporate, insolvency and financial law are among the "core areas" of (private) commercial law. In practice, these areas of law are never practiced and applied in isolation; the interactions (also in the context of law enforcement) must always be considered together. The basic structure of some of these areas of law to be applied in practice differs considerably. In practice, these fundamental differences in the assessment of issues from everyday business life mean that legal advice is usually provided by different experts from the respective specialist area. This is often met with incomprehension by many people seeking legal advice, not least because of the costs involved. Building on this foundation, an interdisciplinary structured doctoral program was established in which research is conducted exclusively at the interface of these subjects.
Spokesperson: Tina Ehrke-Rabel
- Doctoral program "Interdisciplinary Gender Studies"
- Doctoral program "Ancient Cultures of the Mediterranean"
- Doctoral program "Collecting, organizing and mediating. Cultures of knowledge in the 18th century"
- Doctoral program "Migration - Diversity - Global Societies"
- Doctoral program "Human Rights, Democracy, Diversity and Gender"
- Doctoral program "Digital Transformation"