The doctoral program
After enrolling in the doctoral program and finding suitable supervisors, things really get going. To complete your doctoral studies, you will:
- present and defend your dissertation project (20 ECTS)
- write your dissertation (125 ECTS)
- complete two doctoral colloquia in your dissertation subject (10 ECTS)
- complete three seminars in a specialization subject (15 ECTS)
You will then complete your doctoral studies with a viva voce (10 ECTS).

Registration for the defense
Registration for the defense of the dissertation project must be submitted to the Department of Studies and Teaching at least 14 days before the desired date, which has also been agreed in advance with the supervisors.
The following documents are required:
- Application for the study program with all required signatures,
- Supervision agreement with all required signatures and
- exposé
Please note that there are fixed dates for the defense (generally two per month during the semester). You can find them here.
The defense of the dissertation project takes place in an oral examination before a commission, in which the first and second supervisor and the (vice) dean of studies take part. The doctoral candidate has to present the dissertation project in about 20 minutes. If the commission decides that the dissertation project meets the objectives of the doctoral program, the positive assessment and recording in UNIGRAZonline takes place.
Please arrange three proposed dates with your supervisors and send them to together with all the signed documents. You will be informed as soon as a date has been set.
Recording in UNIGRAZonline
The title of the dissertation and the topic are recorded as "in progress" in UNIGRAZonline.
After the positive defense of the dissertation project, you can register for the courses in UNIGRAZonline:
- 2 doctoral colloquia from the dissertation subject (course type "DQ")
- 3 seminars from the specialization subject (course type "SE")
After successful completion of the courses, the online form"Announcement of courses" must be submitted.
The submission process
Open UNIGRAZonline and go to "My theses" in your business card
- Complete the mandatory attributes (see instructions)
- Please note that the length of the abstracts must not exceed 4,000 characters including spaces.
- Your supervisor will receive an automated notification that the thesis has been submitted and must approve it.
Attention: The work is only considered officially submitted after the plagiarism check!
Plagiarism check
After approval by the supervisor, the plagiarism check is automatically started by the Student Service Center.
Once the plagiarism check has been completed, the supervisor will be informed that the thesis has been officially submitted and will be given access to the plagiarism report, which serves as one of the bases for preparing the assessment of the thesis.
The assessment period is 4 months from the date of the plagiarism check. This date is also the assessment date.
As soon as you can view the assessment of the dissertation in UNIGRAZonline, please arrange three proposed dates with your supervisors (please note: at the earliest two weeks after the assessment of the dissertation) and send them to us via the completed online form"Registration for the Rigorosum and issue of the Rigorosum certificate".
The Rigorosum is to be taken in the form of an oral examination before a committee. It consists of the defense of the dissertation (should not significantly exceed the time frame of 20 minutes) and the examination of knowledge in the dissertation subject. After the assessment is visible in UNIGRAZonline, your degree is automatically processed by the Department of Studies and Teaching. No separate application is required for this.
The assessment period for the dissertation is 4 months. The reviews are submitted by the supervisors to the Department of Studies and Teaching. If you would like to view your reviews, please contact the relevant institute.