The doctoral program
Once you have found a suitable supervisor and have been admitted to the program, the real work begins. To complete your doctoral studies, you will:
- complete three doctoral colloquia (15 ECTS)
- complete three seminars (15 ECTS)
- write a dissertation
You will then complete your doctoral studies with a viva voce (15 ECTS).

The following steps are necessary for submission in UNIGRAZonline (you can find detailed guidelines here)
- Upload the PDF abstracts in UNIGRAZonline in "My theses" and fill in all mandatory fields;
- then upload the final version of your thesis as PDF/A in the entry mask for the abstracts;
- click on "Submit now" (after you have checked everything carefully): your supervisor will automatically be informed by e-mail that the abstracts are to be released;
- Plagiarism check: your thesis (PDF/A) will be subjected to a plagiarism check after approval by your supervisor and approval by the Dean. You will be informed by email as soon as the check report has been sent to the reviewer.
Block your dissertation:
If important legal or economic interests are jeopardized by the publication of the thesis (§ 86 para. 4 Universities Act), you can apply for your thesis to be blocked for a maximum of five years. During the embargo period, your thesis will not be publicly accessible. Fill out the application for blocking the thesis and send it, including a statement from your supervisor, by e-mail to the Student Service Center immediately after submitting the thesis in UNIGRAZonline.
The assessment period for the dissertation is 4 months. The supervisor will send the assessment to the Department of Studies and Teaching. If you would like to view your assessment, please contact the relevant department.
Once you have been admitted to the doctoral program, you can register for the courses in UNIGRAZonline:
- 3 doctoral colloquia (course type "DQ")
- 3 seminars (course type "SE")
After successful completion of the courses, the online form"Announcement of courses" must be submitted.
Viva voce
As soon as you can view the assessment of the dissertation in UNIGRAZonline, please arrange three proposed dates with your supervisor and send them to us via the completed online form "Registration for the viva voce and issue of the viva voce certificate".
The viva voce is to be taken in the form of an oral board examination. It consists of a public presentation and defense of the dissertation, taking into account the expert opinions in the context of a general discussion. After the assessment is visible in UNIGRAZonline, your degree is automatically processed by the Department of Studies and Teaching. No separate application is required for this.
As soon as all grades have been entered in UNIGRAZonline, your degree will be processed automatically and your viva voce certificate will be sent to you by e-mail.