Our aim is to promote a knowledge-based society. We put our knowledge and expertise at the service of society, for example by participating in public and cultural debates and writing expert opinions on draft legislation. At the same time, we want to reach out to society and involve it in our research activities.
Our column in the Kleine Zeitung under the general title "Alles was Recht ist" aims to discuss current political developments, the legal framework in which they take place and their economic impact. Our YouTube channel also provides an insight into the range of our research activities. We are also actively involved in the University of Graz's"Monday Academy", which offers easily accessible and free lectures in the auditorium of the University of Graz and live in the participating regions.
We are also increasingly involved in research activities that are geared towards society as a whole: In our SCALINGS project, for example, our researchers focused on the co-creation of innovation, i.e. a joint creation process of several people or groups such as companies, universities, political decision-makers:inside or citizens:inside. The public is also increasingly involved "upstream" in research and development in order to enable more democratic forms of innovation, tap into new sources of innovation and develop socially robust solutions.