"We support the faculty management in all strategic, profile-building, organizational and administrative processes."
Doris-Vones-Faschallegg, Head of the Dean's Office
The Dean's Office of the Faculty of Law supports the faculty management in all strategic, profile-building, organizational and administrative processes. It is responsible for allocating the Faculty's budget, supporting the curriculum commissions and the Faculty Board, coordinating, budgeting and supervising teaching and study activities and bundling, promoting and supporting the Faculty's research activities. The Dean's Office coordinates the faculty's administrative processes and is the faculty's interface to the university management and central administration, to other university and non-university institutions and to the faculty's institutes and centers as well as to the faculty members and students.
Personnel and budget
Our team is responsible for
- Faculty strategy
- personnel
- budget
- Back and front office
- Leaves of absence, RKZ applications, business trips
Our team consists of:

Mag.a Marianne Pasterk

Jürgen Tremer

Claudia Diemer

Ulrike Jöbstl

Natascha Peters

Vanessa Lintschinger
Science and communication
Our team is responsible for
- supporting researchers in the development, acquisition and management of projects
- the REWI Fellowship Programme
- the management of our (social) media
- establishing and maintaining our collaborations, be it with other academic institutions in Austria and abroad, the business community or the general public
- the organization of faculty events
- study marketing
- the REWIPRAXIS internship exchange and our school project
Our team consists of:

Mag.a Zoë Steiner

Mag.a Nina Borstnar, LL.B. oec.

Mag. Gregor Fischer-Lessiak
Dajana Nedović

Dott.ssa Maddalena Vivona
Studies and Teaching Administration
Our team is responsible for
- Assistant to the dean of studies
- Issuing diploma examination certificates
- Submission of theses and dissertations
- Degrees
- Performance and funding scholarships
- Training specializations (certificates)
- Recognitions and nostrifications
- REWI mentoring and law:excel
- electronic examinations
- Teaching planning; Controlling and reporting in teaching
Our team consists of:

Mag. Bernd Urban

Anna Baumgartner, BSc

Tanja Fuchs

Bianka Neuwirth

Mag.a Christina Rabussay, BA

Andrea Rieger

Mag.a Arta Syla, Bakk. phil.

Noah Allmer

Mag.a Sabine Kaufmann