Topic and supervisor:in
With your Bachelor's thesis, you show that you can work independently on an academic topic. When should you start? Basically towards the end of your studies, but it is entirely up to you. The topic is determined together with your supervisor. Only after the agreement on the assumption of supervision is the announcement of the topic of the Bachelor's thesis entered into UNIGRAZonline by the responsible institute. The institute or the supervisor is responsible for the entire Bachelor's thesis process (no responsibility of the Department of Studies and Teaching or involvement of the Dean of Studies).
Form of the Bachelor thesis
- For data protection reasons, no affidavit may be included in the thesis: this must only be confirmed electronically upon submission.
- The following information must be included on the title page: Title of the Bachelor thesis, your first and last name, the institute and the supervisor, place and year.
- Abstract in German and English (max. 4,000 characters each including spaces), as well as in the original language of the thesis, should this be a third language.
- Font, layout, citation rules and the like are best discussed with your supervisor.
Submitting the Bachelor thesis
The supervisor must determine whether the Bachelor's thesis can be submitted during or after positive completion of the course. In any case, the Bachelor's thesis must be submitted within 3 semesters after the topic has been announced.
The following steps are necessary for submission in UNIGRAZonline (you can find detailed guidelines here)
- Upload the PDF abstract in UNIGRAZonline via the app "My theses" and fill in all mandatory fields;
- then upload the final version of your thesis as PDF/A in the entry mask;
- click on "Submit now" (after you have checked everything carefully): your supervisor will automatically be informed by e-mail that the thesis is to be released;
- Plagiarism check: your thesis (PDF/A) will be subjected to a plagiarism check after approval by your supervisor. You will be informed by email as soon as the check report has been sent to the reviewer. In the event of plagiarism, the assessment of the thesis may be declared null and void or you may be excluded from the degree program by the Rectorate.
Bachelor's theses are currently neither published electronically nor in the University Library. A block (exclusion from use) is therefore not necessary.
Department for Studies and Teaching
Student Service CentrePhone:+43 316 380 - 3072
Location:Universitätsstraße 15, Bauteil AE, 8010 Graz